Coloured Floor Coating Systems

paintDepending on the look you are after, the environment the floor is in and the condition of the concrete sometimes it is inspiring to look at what can be achieved with coloured floor coatings. The advantage of solid coloured floors is that they can provide consistent flooring that is dust free, seam free, hard wearing, hypoallergenic with easy cleaning without being reliant on the concrete colour, condition or initial installation.

Coloured coating systems can be installed in homes, shops and commercial or industrial environments. The key to any surface coating is in the preparation - if the concrete is not prepared properly paint can flake, bubble, go patchy or peel. Spec Floors are happy to inspect your concrete and discuss any issues that may need to be addressed to ensure your floor coating lasts and performs to its maximum potential.


Spec Floors offer 3 main options in coloured flooring.


paint solid colour              paint flake              specialty paint system